
Final conclusion

I really enjoyed the second half of this brief, because it was more specialised and I could have fun drawing the character, as well as coming up with the story for the video. I didn’t really enjoy the first half because I found it helpful to learn those things, but not a lot of them were explained enough for me to remember what we did. For instance, with the motion lessons I do not remember what Alex taught us, and I learnt most of the motion bits for my final product online. I think that I have found it incredibly difficult to do any work with the pandemic, as I have said in my other two briefs. However, I feel that this was the brief that I worked on the least, compared to the others, I think because it was not specialised enough to what I wanted to do, so I found it difficult to work on it. Also, there was little to no help from the tutors for this project, I understand that we are in unexpected times, but we only really got one call for this project. As well as during term tim...

Final storyline

So I changed the story line so that it would make sense with my new story boards. The idea is that he is within his own mind and begins in a happy forest, and sees a pretty flower, goes to touch it and it dies and everything turns dark. This is his depression in his mind. He then runs towards the darkness because as it says in the lyrics 'I threw myself with trust in me but why am I being hurt', which means that he trust himself so he follows what his brain shows him, even though it is leading him deeper into depression. There is an image that shows him walking through a black hole into the black. Then when he is in the darkness, he is shown to clutch his head, then he slowly fades into a dark outline. Then a montage of white silhouette on a black background, this is him giving into the depression. The chorus starts now, which begins with 'Ahh' then the words 'My head hurts'. The second half of the chorus how's him falling, defeated by the depression.

Final video link


One problem I noticed was that some of the clips that I put into the premier timeline would come up saying that they could not be located and showed colours on the screen instead of the clip. I realised after a long time of trying to find why that happened that my laptop would automatically remove the download from the cloud, meaning that the clips were technically not on my laptop. I solved this issue by re-downloading all the stuff I needed, and turning the setting off that cause this.

The words

I wrote out all the words said in the chorus, so I would know exactly what I wanted to put on screen at that point. I then chose some fonts from DaFont that I used for these words. I wanted all the texts to be quite rushed looking. 

Final edits

For the final edit I put all my footage from Aftereffects into premiere pro. To get a clear understanding of where I wanted everything to be placed and when I decided to write the lyrics and timings for them on some paper, then listened to the song again to pick times for everything

Animating the frame by frame drawings

I did these animations by putting the pngs into aftereffects, and set each image to stay in frame for a certain amount of time, then set the next image to appear directly after it. This is how I did the running animation, montage, and final part. Then after I had animated it I would import the file into premier pro and add it to whole video, to see how it works with the rest of the piece.