
Design specialism

The first 6 weeks we play around and learn new things, then the other 6 weeks we specialise the project. It is like creative play, so we can play around and find new things that we like and don’t like. 

Weeks 1 & 2- Digital marketing and social media campaigns. 
Week 3 & 4- Motion and animation- working with Alex, doing motion stuff.
Week 5 & 6- Web design- design for digital screens, theory about it, looking at examples, activities. 
Week 7-12- Self-directed specialised production. We pick one area and specialise in it. 

Choose something that you haven’t done very much but want to do more for. 

Personal project (50%)
Final digital deliverables and documentation process. 
We have to have a personal blog, where we log what we learnt in the first 6 weeks. End of semester draw a final report of a maximum of 500 words.

Presentation (50%)
A presentation outlining your experience in the first 6 weeks, your justifications, your process and realisation final pieces, as well as where you would like to take it in the future. 

Week 7 we need to have the final specialisation. Last two weeks are presentations. 


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