
Showing posts from February, 2020

Basic CSS class

File set up is the most important part of the whole document. All folders work so they have no capitals and no spaces, use dashes.  Name everything so it makes sense for what it is, i.e man walking dog, not image 1, etc. Future proofing the whole project, as it is going to be easier for you or anyone else that is using it in the future.  Logos should always be PNGs. SVG takes mathematical points to make it a pathway, makes it move without it having an image.  HTML= Structure/content, Text, Photos, Links, etc. CSS= Design, pretty bit, colours, font, etc. JavaScript= Extra features, Controls content, Slideshows, Fades, Animations, etc. This always goes at the top of a HTML file: <!DOCTYPEhtml> <html>         <head>                 <title>Browsr Title Here</title>     ...

Motion 13/02/2020

Here are my notes from the motion class. -         After effects, add vectors into it.  -         Change layers around so that we can view them all.  -         Add rectangle and circle, change position of it so that we can animate it easier.    -         Create s shape for the animation of the line. Use pen tool to change the curvature of the animation, this makes it look better.  -         Change the scale, can be done by dragging or by manually changing the numerical scale of it.  -         Create flickering and shadow around the moon. -         Lower opacity of the smoke, to make it look more realistic.  -         Turn trees into a pre-composition. -         Turbulence effect on the trees. Make them ...

The 4 P's of marketing

Product Physical thing or service you are providing. Has to be good quality and reasoning behind it. Research your product, so that you can understand the good, bad, why people buy it etc.  Price If something is good for money, people are likely to buy it. If it is cheap people will buy it. If it is really expensive then it has more of a lavish style, it is marketed as luxury.  Promotion How you put it out there, traditionally tv, radio, ads, more one-way advertising. These are difficult to find data from; it is less tactile and effective for seeing effects.  Place Where you sell it. In a store, yours or someone else’s, your own website, Etsy, amazon, etc. The place you are selling your product, big stores, online stores, own site, etc. Literal or metaphorically. The setting or the store. Process Planning your campaign, have you got the resources, the correct tools. If you can scale it up or down. Constantly checking in on justificatio...

Final idea and mock-up

My final idea is to create a social media campaign which will get people to go hiking, so there would be one day where people would compete to see who would get the most steps in a day. The top three people would get various prizes. This would get people out because it would get them to do more steps and be more active in turn. I made a mock-up poster of what it would potentially look like. I used a stock image for the base image in the poster, however I would change this to be a photo I took. I called it 'Step into the future' because I liked the pun and thought that it showed the initiative quite well. If I were to actually create this I would also add more text onto the poster to explain the challenge, I would also create some filters for social media.

Social media task, initial ideas etc.

Task for 1 st  bit. We need to think about a small social media campaign that gets people to go outside more. Create a challenge, get people out and about, have something intense, saving time. What social medias I am going to use and how I need to change the content accordingly. Shareability, make it so people can say that they have done it etc.  1.       Make it appealing 2.       Emotions 3.       Demographics 4.       Platforms 5.       Content .       Shareability/accountability     Make visuals, can use stock images.  Think about how it's going to be shared, justify everything. One of my initial ideas is to have QR codes in loads of different places, then people go to this place scan the code on snapchat, and it will unlock a special filter that relates to the place. For instance, a...