Motion 13/02/2020
Here are my notes from the motion class.
- - After effects, add vectors into it.
- - Change layers around so that we can view them all.
- - Add rectangle and circle, change position of it so that we can animate it easier.
- - Create s shape for the animation of the line. Use pen tool to change the curvature of the animation, this makes it look better.
- - Change the scale, can be done by dragging or by manually changing the numerical scale of it.
- - Create flickering and shadow around the moon.
- - Lower opacity of the smoke, to make it look more realistic.
- - Turn trees into a pre-composition.
- - Turbulence effect on the trees. Make them look like the wind is affecting them. Create horizontal displacement. Make it subtle.
- - Add the snow. Create flakes from a white rectangle. Change size, speed, wind, etc. Mess around with these until the shapes match with the scene. Change opacity so that the box isn’t there.
- - Add font, write merry Christmas. Move it below the other layers, then move it upwards, so that it will be animated to float up. Mask it so it looks like its appearing from the hills.
- - Create new mask, mask the opacity, so that when it goes up you can make it translucent and we can see the text.
- - Use the pen tool, try to go around the shapes, this will create a mask so that when the text goes above these it will be in view, but will be masked before that. If you invert it, so everything in the selection will show. Use this if you have complicated shapes, only use this if you need to be accurate as it takes a lot of time.
- - Import the png of scene, drag on top of merry Christmas. Scale it so that it fits the composition. Transform, fit to composition. Create mask in just that layer, rearrange layer so it covers up text, ensure the snow is in front of everything. Change timing of layer so that it only appears when the text does.
- - Look into blending mode, so that we can change the way that they look and create new effects. Change it to overlay, etc, choose whichever one you think looks best.
- - Use the loop tool, to create expression. Make it stretch and loop over and over again. Click alt on the stops, loop, loop out expression.
- - Use pre-compositions to make it look good, and blend.
Multiple removes all white, screen removes all black.
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